Quotes #10

Hi there everyone!

No, I haven’t been good. I have to close in few loose ends. Yes, there still is some light in me. I feel too strongly and that will cause the end of me.

This is quote 3 from the three-day Quote challenge given to me by “An Ordinary Girl“. Do visit her blog, she might cheer you up. I am way behind schedule but I am putting pieces back to place. Enervated and debilitated beyond my sensibilities. I really need to rest my mind. Anyway, here goes:


“Sometimes, you just have to bow your head, say a prayer, and weather the storm.”

(author unknown)

Actually, I had another quote in mind that said…sometimes, love isn’t enough; but it’s fine..let love not be enough..let it take the heat..let it sink..let it still exist.

My nominations: none this time. I will ensure my next award post is more peppy and interactive. For now, peace out.


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