Beloved Nights

If you have read even a slight bit of my posts, you might know that I am a night owl, night-o-holic, nyctophile, name it whatever. I love the nights and everything surrounding it. The peace, the quiet, the entwined length of it, the sea of ideas, nostalgia, reflection, contemplation, I could go on and on. at-night-time-becomes-a-calm-sea-it-goes-on-for-ever-quote-1

A few days back, I met with an accident, which again you might/might not be privy to from my previous posts. Any which way, I started going by company cab, instead of my bike; I have booked it for a month. And it drops at sharp 8 in the morning. Prettttty early by my standards. My whole routine has taken a 180 degrees turn.

I sleep early fearing I won’t wake up on time. The fear is such that I feel guilty in staying up late, how people on diet cringe when they eat high calorie food. I even have to leave from work at a fixed time. I get a feeling like I was some carefree bird few days back who is now caged. I even figured(in just a span of 8 days by cab) that I prefer chaos more to a set routine.  What is happeningggggggg?

Anyway, came across a resonating word today (Source: TFD)

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So here’s what I am doing right now, staying awake, which I love.

Mornings, Early sleeps: With all due respect, Buzz Off!

10 thoughts on “Beloved Nights

  1. This post is lovely. It’s so painful to sleep early at nights! Nights have so much potential. It’s nice and quiet and you have so much time to unwind.

    If I ever get up at 8 two days in a row, I’m going to be a big rebel and not sleep till 8 the next day 😀 I’m done with my fair share of waking up early in life.

    Hoping the accident was a minor one. How bad is it?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bikramjit says:

    I think there comes a time when we want routine. 😀.

    Being a rebel is goood or it does feel goood..but one can’t continue with it ..
    I am speaking like a old grand pa now.. oh nooooooo. ..😀😀😀

    You take care and do what makes you smile.. hope you are absolutely fine now and on your bike .. sleeping when you want to .. waking up when you want to ..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You probably are facing tough phase of your life. First of all an accident and then waking up early is what you hate.
    Get well soon!
    I feel lucky in this case as I crash early to bed and so face kinda little problem while waking up early. 😛

    Also, I have nominated you for an award – “The Black Cat, Blue Sea award”. 🙂
    If you want to participate, have a look at full post here

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