Ahoy Sisters!

So..this time it is Sisterhood of the world bloggers award. I feel overjoyed and humbled at the same time. I hardly knew such awards existed when I first started blogging…good or bad..in a way they do instigate you to keep writing. I guess that is certainly a good thing! 🙂
I got nominated by Lauren who is the cutest girl around in my blogspace..she is earthly and real and intelligent..She will frown on crappy things and rejoice on happy moments..love reading her posts..even love her blog title.. https://justapreciouspenny.wordpress.com/..you guys have got to check it out!

Alright..rules are pretty simple…you get nominated…you nominate other bloggers..and since it is the sisterhood…this time nominate only fellow girlie girls! Answer the questions you have been asked and then present your nominees the questions of your choice. So here are my answers to Lauren’s questions:

1. Why did you start blogging?
A guy had broken my heart and I wasn’t finding any comfort in talking to people around me..so one of those days…blogging just happened..it was impromptu. And all is well now. :).

2. Do you like to read? If so, what book(s) would you recommend?
I do like to read, but I guess I am not a voracious reader. I love Jane Austen’s Persuasion and yeah I like Dan Brown’s novels. Currently read John Green’s Fault in our stars but it is a sob fest!

3. Do you prefer Converse or Toms?
I am more of those flip flops girl.. 😀 .but if you ask Converse..Toms haven’t much catched on in India yet.

4. What are some things that girls in their twenties should do? (any advice?)
Trips and lots of trips..and not holding yourself back from something you really want to do! Should do what your mind says. :). Age no bar.

5. What is your favorite Disney movie?
Well…right now Tangled is coming to my mind..i liked that movie.

6. If you could visit anywhere in the United States, where would you go?
Haven’t yet..but if I do visit I’ll try and cover a big slice..:)..New York first.

7. Do you have a pet?
Nooo…but I so darn wish. Want to keep a turtle or a bird. Just scared if I would be able to give it due care.

8. [This is stolen from Nicole, but it ‘s a great question!] What is your favorite quote and why?
I don’t have a “favourite” quote in particular, i love this one from “Flipped”:

Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss; but every once in a while, you find someone who’s iridescent, and once you do, nothing will ever compare.

9. Pick a super-power you would want for a day.
I would want to fly and meet all of my loved ones in that one day.

10. What is your favorite family tradition?
Whenever we gather up..which is not very often…we go for picnics..I just love that time. And then there is this singing game antakshari that my family plays..I and my bro will team up against mom dad. It is super fun!

My Nominations:






Questions for my ladies:
1. What drives you to write?
2. Five must haves when you are travelling?
3. Do you ever get jealous of your girl friends? And do you think it is normal?
4. What is you favorite thing to shop?
5. What is the most likeable thing about you, according to you?
6. Give me one good song that comes to your mind right now?
7. Nights or days?
8. One TV show you can watch over and over again? (Friends in my case)
9. What do you like about old times? 90s.
10. Say you were a guy instead of a girl, what difference would it make? (Apart from you missing on this nomination 😀 )

6 thoughts on “Ahoy Sisters!

  1. Thank you so much for the nomination 😀
    I have already done this award so I will just answer the questions here 🙂
    1) I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I’m afraid of. ”
    ― Joss Whedon (This quote speaks to me)
    2) Hair brush
    mp3 player
    clothes :p
    3) No, never. Getting jealous would never be normal.
    4) Jewelry and accessories.
    5) I am always in a good mood and ready to have fun 🙂
    6) Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
    7) Night. I am a Nyctophile
    8) Friends 😉
    9) omg! Everything. Simpler times.
    10) Gosh! A lot. Guys are gross :p

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