Count your blessings

These days are rare..but when they happen, i whisk away into the thought pool happily, with abandon.

On such days, I just lay back and allow myself to feel things. Overwhelmed by gratitude for everything I have been able to experience in my life.

Strong connections, great friends, some really nice people, a loving and supportive family, a caring partner.

In this age of instant gratification, we get so caught up in the day to day rush, that we forget the people we have met over our journey to this point. How at peace some moments made you feel. Places where you stayed for two three days, but felt like you belonged there.

Some utterly beautiful sunsets, some very tiring, very worthwhile walks, some long night conversations, some bonds that didn’t seem forced.

Today I am counting my blessings. I know life will throw its setbacks my way, but today I rejoice. And today, I cherish.