Life is for the living

It takes a lot of might to think beyond yourself. Your problems, your shit, your happiness, your importance. I am apparently swimming against the current of stream. Or so it feels. Not even sure if it is the right direction or if there is a way ahead. If it’s all in my head, i’ll better shut off for a while and focus on better things. May be, ignorance is bliss for the moment.

P.S.: Going “philosophical mode ON” today for random reasons.

Not Broken but Brittle

How do you stay sane in a mad mad world
How do you embrace the new and renounce what is familiar
How do you appease the antsy nerves
How do you trick time in your favour
How does one’s discomfort end
How do the seasons blend
How to stay your true self
And know there is nothing wrong
How do you NOT fear the unknown
How do you not assimilate
Not shape your actions based on perceptions
How does one trust and not feel stupid about it
How do these questions get answered?

P.S. – Feeling queasy on a perfectly fine Saturday morning 😐.

Beloved Nights

If you have read even a slight bit of my posts, you might know that I am a night owl, night-o-holic, nyctophile, name it whatever. I love the nights and everything surrounding it. The peace, the quiet, the entwined length of it, the sea of ideas, nostalgia, reflection, contemplation, I could go on and on. at-night-time-becomes-a-calm-sea-it-goes-on-for-ever-quote-1

A few days back, I met with an accident, which again you might/might not be privy to from my previous posts. Any which way, I started going by company cab, instead of my bike; I have booked it for a month. And it drops at sharp 8 in the morning. Prettttty early by my standards. My whole routine has taken a 180 degrees turn.

I sleep early fearing I won’t wake up on time. The fear is such that I feel guilty in staying up late, how people on diet cringe when they eat high calorie food. I even have to leave from work at a fixed time. I get a feeling like I was some carefree bird few days back who is now caged. I even figured(in just a span of 8 days by cab) that I prefer chaos more to a set routine.  What is happeningggggggg?

Anyway, came across a resonating word today (Source: TFD)

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So here’s what I am doing right now, staying awake, which I love.

Mornings, Early sleeps: With all due respect, Buzz Off!