Sunshine & Sweetheart Awards

Did you guys know Liebster is German for sweetheart..:)?!

I have been gifted this award by the beautiful Melinda…who is totally obsessed with all things purple and is so full of life, it reflects in each of her posts! I will earnestly accept this award, Melinda. We can have a formal ceremony for it, where we come dressed in purple! I know we both will look a zillion bucks .. 😛

Also, believe in my awesome luck to get nominated for another mushy mushy award: The Sunshine blogger award! The one to bestow this upon me was Neerja who herself is sweetness personified. Us women like to talk! You blog a gloomy post and she will show her concern. I love such people. And yes ma’am you reciprocate sunshine in my life with your comments. :). Thank you!

So, Liebster award is one great platform to know fellow bloggers and help them grow(in blogging of course). Rules are pretty simple –

  1. You get nominated, you nominate 11 other budding bloggers. Also link the person who considers you a Liebster.
  2. Answer the questions posed on you.
  3. Provide another set of 11 questions for your nominees.
  4. Thank and celebrate and jump…that’s all on your discretion!

Sunshine award is pretty much similar, just you get to decide on the count of questions. And you nominate people who kind of lit up your day with their words :)!

here are my answers Melinda:

1. When did you start blogging and why?

Oh it was an outcome of severe heart-break or sorts. Was very gloomy back in those days and thought to channel my thoughts to something good.

2. What is your favorite childhood memory?

Mom and Dad buying ice cream for me and my brother. Double scoop in cone with three flavours: Vanilla, Strawberry and Pista. Yummm. Also splashing water on my brother all the time.

3. What book are you currently reading?

I read really slow. It’s a curse. From past few days, I am reading Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. On young love.

4. What’s your favorite color?

Mustard. I like everything mustard.

5. What’s your favorite guilty pleasure?

Waking up late nights, doing things I like. I really enjoy staying awake late, fully aware of the fact that it will take a toll on me the next morning.

6. Close your eyes, and describe a vivid scent memory.

Mm…I hugged this guy and he smelled amazing. Like ripping the clothes off amazing! Made me feel like coming home and dwelling for long. Now I miss the scent Melinda!

7. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

I like how people share and care and understand whatever you write.

8. If you could travel anywhere in the world, no cost, where would you go?


9. Why did you choose that particular place?

It’s a romantic and lovely place. Looks all peaceful in the pictures I have seen.

10. If you were gifted $150, how would you treat yourself?

You give me any money, I’ll spend it on shopping. Will buy myself some clothing item.

11. Miss America, how will you bring world peace?

By promoting child education. If you make them literate, they will have an open, sensible mind to not fight for baseless issues.

Now, for Neerja’s question:

Do you believe in destiny and if yes then tell us about your one moment that made you believe in it.

Yeah, I believe in destiny. Pretty much. I cannot summarize in one moment but every nice person who has come into my life and stayed, it is somewhere destiny’s trick. Otherwise, how uncanny it is, that our paths crossed? I am more of those, “universe conspires in your favour” sort of person. One evening I was riding with my friend, seated back, kind of lost, and then parallely a bike came and a person dressed as Santa excitedly waved at me. I waved back too, smiling. Can’t tell you how happy that made me! So yeah I do believe in destiny.

Here’s the tough part: nominations and questions!

my nominations for Liebster award,













  1. Why do you blog? Apart from the fact that you love it.

2. Movies or books? What do you prefer more.

3. Favorite memory of drenching in the rain?

4. Do you tend to judge people based on their age?

5. Favourite item to shop?

6. Nocturnal or Diurnal?

7. Word that you like most, or often use?

8. You love killing time by doing what?

9. You are scared of…?

10. One harsh truth you have learnt from experience?

11. If you could time travel, you would like reliving what moment?

To my sunshines, here is your question, Share that one thing you really really really want to do, like down the lane, in future?  And the nominations,

Darshith, you do delight me up..sure thing.

Bhanu, i like your on the go solutions. Very practical indeed!

lilrants, you are pretty quirky. Actually, pretty + quirky.

No obligations, nominees! Would be very glad to hear from you though.

P.S. : This cat’s pic because I feel a little gooey today.

31 thoughts on “Sunshine & Sweetheart Awards

  1. Thank you so much for the follow Roopam. It was fun to go through your blog and find this post. Award posts are such a great way to get to know a new blogger.

    Memories of ice cream is such a great memory. Pista, I’m not too sure what that would taste like, as it is not available in Canada, but I’m sure it would be wonderful! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing! 🙂


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